Complete List of Course Work


UG - 2640 - Calculus I - 4 - A
Limits, Continuity, Differentiation, Differentials, Antiderivatives, Definite Integrals, and Applications there of.

UG - 2730 - Discrete Math - 3 - B
Logic sets, Combinations, Relations, Networks, and Basic Algebraic Structures.

UG - 2740 - Calculus II - 4 - A
Further Techniques and Applications of Integration, Analytic Geometry in 2 Dimentions, Polar Coordinates, Further Studies of Limits and Infinite Series.

UG - 2840 - Calculus III - 4 - A
Analytic Geometry in 3 Dimentions, Vector Analysis, Partial Differentiation, Multiple Integrals, Coordinate Transformations, and Line Integrals.

UG - 3230 - Linear Algebra - 3 - B
Matrices, Systems of Equations, Determinants, Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, Vector Spaces, Linear Transformations, Diagonalizations.

UG - 3330 - Modern {Abstract} Algebra - 3 - A
Study of the Structure of Abstract Algebraic Systems through FORMAL Proof; Deals Primarily with Groups, but also Examines Other Algebraic Systems Including Rings and Fields.

UG - 3630 - Differential Equations I - 3 - B
Solutions of First Order Differential Equations, Linear Homogeneous and Non-Homogeneous Differential Equations, Laplace Transforms, and Linear Systems of Differential Equations (Solved Using Eigenvalues)

UG - 3830 - Differential Equations II - 3 - C
Series Solutions of Linear Differential Equations, Nonlinear Series Solutions, Specific Power Series Equations, Numerical Methos, Basic Partial Differential Equations, Orthogonal Sets, and Fourier Series

UG - 4030 - Statistical Methodes with applications - 3 - B
Introduction to probability, density and distribution functions, special discrete and continuous distributions, estimation, hypothesis testing, chi-square, correlation and regression.

UG - 4430 - Advanced Calculus - 3 - C
Formal Proofs of Sequences, Limits, Continuity, Differentiation, Integration, Infinite Series, Uniform Convergence, and Basic Topography

UG - 4620{Topics Course} - Vector Calculus - 3 - B
Vector fiels in Basic Orthongonal Coordinate Systems and in Generalized Coordinates. Grandient, Divergence, and Curl of Fields. Line and Surface Integrals, Green's, Stokes',Divergence Theorem's, and Applications in Engineering and the physical Sciences.

UG - 4620{Topics Course} - Determinants - 1 - A
A Formal Study of Determinants as Alternating, n-Linear Functions

G - 5470 - Partial Differential Equations I - 3 - A-
Introduces theory and applications of partial differential equations, including existence, uniqueness, stability, regularity, and solution construction and approximation procedures.

Total UnderGraduate Credits: 34
GPA in UnderGraduate Work: 3.294 / 4.000
Total Graduate Credits: 3
GPA in Graduate Work: 3.700 / 4.000
Total Credits in Math. Disipline: 37
GPA in Math. Disipline: 3.327 / 4.000

Electrical Engineering

UG - 1210 - Circuits I - 2 - A
Voltage, Current, Resistance, Ohm's Law, Kirchhoff's Laws, Superposition, Thevenin's and Norton's Theorems Applied to the Modeling of Zero-Order Networks, and an Introduction to Phasor Analysis

UG - 2210 - Circuits II- 4 - B
Modeling of Transient Response of Linear Networks, Phasor Analysis of AC Circuits, AC Steady State Power, Resonant Circuits, Mutual Inductance, Ideal Opamps, Two-Port Networks, an Introduction to network topology, and PSpice

UG - 2220 - Signals and Systems - 4 - A
Linear System modeling with Differential Equations, MatLab, Laplace Transforms, Convolution, Transfer Functions, Frequency Response, Bode Plots, Discrete Time Systems and Z-Transforms, Fourier Analysis of Signals.

UG - 3020 - Analog Electronics - 4 - B
Diode Circuits, Biasing Semiconductor Devices(BJT's MOSFET's JFET's), Analysis and Design of Linear Amplifiers, and Use of Opamps

UG - 3130 - Solid State Electronics - 3 - B
Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Energy Band Diagrams, Fermi Levels, Fermi-Derac Statistics, Metal-Semiconductor and p-n junctions, Functioning of Diodes, BJT's, MOSFET's and JFET's, Small Signal Equivalent Circuits(High, Mid, and Low Freq. Models), Nonlinear Modeling Using Computers

UG - 3140 - Electromagnetic Fields - 3 - B
Vector Calculus, Electrostatics, Magnetostatics, Maxwell's Equations, Plane Waves, and Transmission Lines

UG - 3310 - Automatic Controls - 3 - B
Laplace Transforms, MatLab, Stability of Analog Control Systems, and Design of Compensation Networks

UG - 3410 - Electric Power Engineering - 3 - B
Introduction to electromechanics, generators, transformers, transmission lines, motors, and network analysis

UG - 3610 - Communications Systems - 3 - A
Fouirer Analysis, Analysis and Design of Amplitude, Frequency, Phase, and Pulse Code Modulation Systems, and Basic Digital Signaling Analysis

UG - 3710 - Intro. to Logic and Digital Design - 3 - A
Number Systems, Boolean Algebra, Design of Combinational and Sequential Logic Circuits, Basic Asynchronous and Synchronous State Machine Design, and Altera Max-Plus II

UG - 3720 - Intro. to Microprocessors - 3 - A
Assembly Language Programming, and Design of Microprocessor Based Systems

UG - 4010{Topics Course} - UHF Amplifiers - 1 - B
Introduction to and use of: S-Parameters, Smith Charts, Eagleware's =Superstar=, Circuit Stability Criteria, Matching and Bias Network Design, Passive Component Char.'s and Modeling, and UHF Measurement Techniques with an emphasis on UHF Amplifiers

UG - 4020{Topics Course} - UHF Oscillators - 1 - A
Introduction to and use of: S-Parameters, Smith Charts, Eagleware's =Superstar=, Circuit Stability Criteria, Matching and Bias Network Design, Passive Component Char.'s and Modeling, and UHF Measurement Techniques with an emphasis on UHF Oscillators

UG - 4050 - Advanced Analog Electronics - 4 - B
Design of Discrete and Integrated Electonic Circuits Used in Communications Systems, Such as Oscillators, Modulators, Low-Noise Amplifiers, and class AB, B, and C power amplifiers

UG - 4350 - Discrete Time Control Systems- 4 - B
The Extention of analog control systems theory to the digital control systems. Topics include: Analog/Digital Control Systems, Sampling, Quantization, Coding/Decoding, Properties and Theorems with Z-transforms and inverse Z-transforms, and solution of difference equations.

UG - 4620 - Optical Systems - 4 - C
Geometrical Optics{paraxial treatment of lenses and mirrors, 2 component systems}, Interference{2 beam, and multilayer films}, Coherence{temporal and spatial}, Polarization, Defraction{Fraunhofer and Fresnel}, Lasers{energy level model of lasers and Gaussian beams}, and Fiber Optic{theory and applications to communications systems}.

UG - 4630 - Advanced Communication Systems - Pass/Fail - Pass
Probability theory, random signals, performance and design of CW and pulse modulation systems, information and coding theory.

UG - 4750 - Advanced Digital Design- 4 - C
Introduction to semi-custom integrtaed circuit design; design methodology, optimization of designs based on macro libraries, design for testablility, logic simulation, placement and routing algorithms for gate arrays and standard cells, PLA-based programmable logic devices, Programmable gate arrays, design projects using CAD systems.

UG - 4980 - Microstrip Circuit Design - 1 - A
Introduction to and use of: S-Parameters, Smith Charts, Eagleware's =Superstar=, Mirostrip Transmission Lines, Microstrip Coupler Design, Microstip Filter Design, and Microwave Measurement Techniques

UG - 4990 - Independant Study #1 - 3 - A
Design of a simple stepper motor controller using the Intel 8051 microcontroller and three simultaneously controlled steppers. Schematics of the system can be produced upon request.

UG - 4990 - Independant Study #2 - 3 - A
Design of a MPEG 1 audio layer 3 conversion hardware for the PC. This was not fully accomplished; however, ISA bus and I2S format interfacing where completed. The topics of Embedded Single-Board Computers, CDROMs, CDROM storage schemes{REDBOOK/ISO9660}, Micronas Intermetall's MAS3507D and DAC3550A chips, I2S, MPEG Bit Streams, Perceptual Audio Encoding, I2C, and ISA/PC-104 buses were researched. All those topics where, for the most part, well comprehended.

G - 5114 - Waveguides and Transmission Lines - 3 - A-
Offers an intermediate-level fields course dealing with guided-wave systems at HF, microwave, and optical frequencies. Considers modern waveguiding structures, including circular metallic wave-guides, microstrip transmission lines, and optical waveguides. Additional material included wave-guide losses, excitation of waveguides, microwave network theory, coupled-mode theory, resonators, and pulse propagation in waveguides.

G - 5553 - Parallel Processing - 3 - A
Examines a range of topics involved in using parallel operations to improve computational performance. Discusses parallel architectures, parallel algorithms and parallel programming languages. Architectures covered include vector computers, multiprocessors, network computers, and data flow machines.

G - 5593 - Advanced Computer Architecture - 3 - A-
Provides a broad-scope treatment of important concepts in the design and implementation of high-performance computer systems. Discusses important issues in the pipelining of a machine and the design of cache memory systems. Also studies current and historically important computer architectures.

G - 5613 - Embedded Sysmtem Design- 3 - A
This class explores embedded system hardware and firmware design. Topics include: embedded processor selection, hardware/firmware partitioning, glue logic, circuit design, circuit layout, circuit debugging, development tools, firmware architecture, design, and debugging.

G - 5623 - Real-Time Embedded Systems - 3 - IP{Spring 2004}
In this course, one designs and builds a microprocessor-based embedded system application requiring integration of sensor/actuator devices, A/D and D/A I/O interfaces, microprocessor, commercial real-time operating system, and multi-tasking application software. The course focus is on the process as well as fundamentals of integrating microprocessor-based embedded system elements for digital command and control of typical embedded hardware systems.

G - 5632 - Theory and Application of Digital Filtering- 3 - B
Examines the characterization of linear discrete-time circuits by unit-pulse responses, transfer functions, and difference equations use of z-transforms and Fourier analysis; discrete Fourier transform and fast algorithms(FFT); design of finite and infinite impulse response filters frequency transformations; and study of least squares filters for deterministic and stochastic inputs.

G - 5797 - Power Electronics I - 3 - A
An introduction to switched-mode converters. Steady-state converter modeling and analysis, switch realization, discontinuous conduction mode, transformer-isolated converters. Ac modeling of converters using averaged methods, small-signal transfer functions, feedback loop design. Basic magnetics, the skin and proximity effects, inductor design, transformer design.

G - 5817 - Power Electronics III - 3 - IP{Spring 2004}
Resonant converters and inverters, and soft switching. Sinusoidal approximations in analysis of series, parallel, LCC, and other resonant dc-dc and dc-ac converters. State-plane analysis of resonant circuits. Switching transitions in hard-switched and soft-switched PWM converters. Zero-voltage switching techniques, including resonant, quasi-resonant, zero-voltage transition, and auxiliary-switch circuits. Also, introduction to polyphase inverters.

Total UnderGraduate Credits: 60
GPA in UnderGraduate Work: 3.250 / 4.000
Total Graduate Credits: 18
GPA in Graduate Work: 3.733 / 4.000
Total Credits in EE Disipline: 78
GPA in EE Disipline: 3.362 / 4.000
Total Graduate Credits Left to Take: 6

Computer Science

UG - GE.1430 - Fortran - 3 - A
Engineering calculations, problem solving techniques, introdcution to computers, structured FORTRAN programming with engineering applications.

UG - 1430 - C++ I - 3 - A
A first technical course in computing, algorithms, data representation, and procedural programming. Modularity and abstraction stressed in algorithm development. Style and documentation stressed in program development. Weekly lab programs engrain the syntax and semantics of C++. A few larger, out-of-class programs tie the concepts together.

UG - 2430 - C++ II - 3 - B
An introduction to object oriented programming techniques. Emphasis on building and testing classes. Examples using classical data structures and abstract data types such as stacks, queues, linked lists, and trees. Also includes study of a standard class library and use of inheritance and polymorphism for building subclasses and extensibility.

UG - 2990{Topics Course} - Java - 3 - A
Programming in Java. Emphasis on Java Applets. An introduction to object-oriented programming techniques.

UG - 3830 - Data Communications and Computer Networks - 3 - C
An introduction to data communications and computer networks. Topics include network architectures and topolgies, network analysis and the layered approach to data communications, concentrating on the data link and network layers. The final project for this class was the software implementation of a 3 layer protocol stack using java 1.1.2.

UG - 3920 - Computer Graphics - 3 - B
An introduction to computer graphics including raster hardware standard graphics software packages and important algorithms such as windoww to viewpoint mapping, clipping of lines, characters and polygons, 2-D and 3-D transformations and hidden line/surface removal.

UG - 4830{Topics Course} - Embedded Systems Programming - 3 - A
An intro. to real-time embedded systems programming. An exploration of programming techniques and contructs used to develope reliable software systems capable of responding in "real time" to environmental changes. An overview of the platforms, tools, and processes used in developing software for embedded systems. Hands-on lab projects experimenting wiht real-time embedded systems programming details.

G - 5273 - Network Systems - 3 - A-
Focuses on design and implementation of network programs and systems, including topic in network protocols, file transfer, client-server computing, and other contemporary network systems design and programming techniques. Includes indepth coverage of current hardware technolgies, wired and wireless ethernets, ATM, and SONET

Total UnderGraduate Credits: 21
GPA in UnderGraduate Work: 3.429 / 4.000
Total Graduate Credits: 3
GPA in Graduate Work: 3.7/ 4.000
Total Credits in CS Disipline: 24
GPA in CS Disipline: 3.463 / 4.000


UG - GE.1140 - General Chemistry I - 4 - A
Basic theory and concepts, atomic structure, periodic law, stoichiometry, gas laws, solutions, the chemical bond, oxidation-reduction

UG - GE.1240 - General Chemistry II - 4 - B
Kinetics, chemical equilibrium, electrochemistry, thermochemistry, organic, descriptive, and nuclear chemistry.

UG - GE.2130 - Statics - 3 - C
Composition, resolution and equilibrium of forces and force systems, analysis of structures, friction, centroids, anmoment of inertia.

UG - 2510 - Physics I Lab.- 1 - C
An introduction to experimental techniques and elemental laboratory investigations of mechanical systems.

UG - 2530 - Physics I - 3 - C
Mechanics, wave properties, for students of engineering, mathematics, physics and other sciences.

UG - 2640 - Physics II - 4 - C
Electricity, magnetism and optics.

UG - 3140 - Modern Pysics - 4 - C
An introduction to special relativity, kinetic theory, quantum physics, the Schrodinger equation in 1-D{Rated PG-13} and 3-D{Rated NC-17}, a brief introduction to nuclear physics, energy bands of crystalline solids, the physics of semiconductors and its application to semiconducting devices.

UG - 3240 - Applied Mechanics - 4 - C
Newtonian mechanics, gravitation, linear and nonlinear oscillations, central force motion, the calculus of variations, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian dynamics.

Credits in Minor: 27
G.P.A. in Minor: 2.444 / 4.000
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