To: The Summer 1998 CS 299 -Programming in Java- Class
From: Scanlan, Clifton
Date: July 14, 1998
RE: Program 7 & Program 8
Due Date: July 9, 1998
Part One
Due Date: July 22, 1998 - (Topic decision - 2 paragraph description, group members, hand-prototypes:min/max)
Grace Date: July 23, 1998 - (Noon)
Points: 5
Part Two
Due Date: July 29, 1998 - (Turn in disk w/ java and html files and any instructions to setup/run program.)
Grace Date: July 31, 1998 - (Noon)
Points: 45

This is your chance to be creative and apply your Java skills to a project of your choice, and work in a group of 2 people. You may work alone if you wish. Any person in a group will evaluate the other's work. Read the program/project descriptions given on pages 763-769. These are descriptions of possible Java programs to take advantage of multimedia. Some are simpler than others and some are fairly large projects. Some will not meet the requirements below and thus will need to be modified. You may have your own ideas. Whatever project you come up with MUST adhere to the following mimimum requirments.

The following are minimum requirements that must be followed.
Part One
1. Decide upon a topic from chapter 14 exercises: 14.10 - 14.67 or a topic of your own choosing, approved by Mr. Scanlan. Describe it in two paragraphs. Name your group members (AT MOST 2 PEOPLE IN GROUP). Indicate via hand-drawings what animation, sound-effects, graphic effects, and advanced graphics will be involved in the project. Indicate what will be implemented as minimum requirements and what are ideal (maximum) features. Minimum requirements MUST be implemented by the end of Part II. Ideal features are aspects that you would like to implement if time allows. Make sure to indicate what features you are using (see Part II requirements.)
2. Turn this information into Mr. Scanlan by noon on the grace date. Mr. Scanlan will e-mail you if your topic is approved, disapproved, or needs to be modified.

Part Two
1. 1. Your project MUST incorporate the following:
  • a) At least one animation whose speed of movement is controlled by a Scrollbar (see section 11.5). In addition, the techniques of chapter 14 to smooth animation startup and eliminate flicker must be used. It is required to use double buffering and to use a thread to run the animation.
  • b) Make use of either audio clips or html param Tag to customize your project. You may use both if you wish.
  • c) Use at least one graphical component from chapter 10 and one from chapter 11 (not counting the Scrollbar).
    2. If you work in a group of 2 people, I will have an evaluation form for both to fill out. Each class should be well documented as to who wrote it.
    3. If you believe that a demonstration is needed, please schedule one well in advance of the final grace date.
    4. Turn in a disk with your java and html files as well as any instructions to setup and run the program.
    5. This project/program can be either an applet or a stand-alone application, though an applet is preferable.
    6. If you have any questions, ask as soon as possible.